Docteur de l’Université Paris-Diderot
Professeur à l’Université Paris V René Descartes
Chef de Service du Département de Psychiatrie de l’Adolescent Institut Mutualiste Montsouris
Collaborateur de longue date de nos recherches sur l’adolescence, de la revue Adolescence plusieurs colloques co-organisés et conférences à l’Université Paris-Diderot.
Articles internationnaux ACL
Publiés 2012
1. Robin M. Pham-Scottez A., Curt F., Dugre-Le Bigre C., Sapinho D., Speranza M., Corcos M., Berthoz S., Kedia G.
2. Decreased Sensitivity to Facial Emotional in Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder.
3. Accepted In Psychiatry Research, nov. 2011. 2012 Ref. No. : PSY-D-11-00379R1
4. Godart N, Berthoz S, Curt F, Perdereau F, Rein Z, Wallier J, Horreard AS, Kaganski I, Lucet R, Atger F, Corcos M, Fermanian J, Falissard B, Flament M, Eisler I, Jeammet P. A randomized controlled trial of adjunctive family therapy and treatment as usual following inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa adolescents. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(1):e28249. Epub 2012 Jan 4. PMID : 22238574
5. Loas G, Speranza M, Pham-Scottez A, Perez-Diaz F, Corcos M. Alexithymia in adolescents with borderline personality disorder. J Psychosom Res. 2012 Feb ;72(2):147-52. Epub 2011 Dec 3. PMID:22281457
Accepted 2012
6. Cailhol, Jeannot, Rodgers, Guelfi, Perez-Diaz, Pham-Scottez, Corcos, Speranza. Borderline personality disorder and mental healthcare service use among adolescents.
7. Accepted 2011 In Journal of Personality Disorders. 2012 in press IF 3.08
8. Loas G., Pham-Scottez A., Cailhol L., Perez-Diaz F., Corcos M., Speranza M. Axis-II comorbidity of borderline personality disorder in adolescents.
9. Accepted In Psychosomatic Research (Accepted nov. 2011) 2012 in press
10. Miljkovitch R., Deborde A.-S., Roy C., Dugré-Le Bigre C., Pham-Scottez A., Corcos M., Speranza M.
11. Alexithymia as mediator between attachment and development of borderline personality disorder in adolescence.
12. Accepted In Journal of Personality Disorders, nov. 2011. IF 3.08
13. Speranza M., Pham-scottez A., Barbe R., Perez-Diaz F., Birmaher, Corcos M. Reseau borderline Factor analysis
14. Accepted in JAACAP 2011
15. Speranza M., Pham-scottez A., Revah-levy A., Barbe R., Perez-Diaz F., Birmaher, Corcos M. Factor structure of borderline disorder. Symptomatology in adolescents
16. Accepted Jv 2012 in Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. IF 2.4972012 in press
17. Speranza M., Revah-levy A., Canette E., Atger F., Corcos M. Interpersonnal relatedness and self-definition as predictors of outcome at 3-year follow-up in women with eating didorders.
18. Accepted déc 2011 in European eating disorders Review Submitted 2012
19. Corcos M. Monneyron F. eating disorders during adolescence : the adjustement of the psychoanalytical approach for a interdisciplinary treatment ; Submitted 2011
20. Monneyron F. , Micalli N, Rosa AR, Southgate L., Corcos M., Treasure J.Eating and personality assessment of mother/child dyads both with a history of an eating disorder ; Submitted 2011
21. Delvenne V, de Kernier N, Barbe R., Gicquel L, Douniol M, Abadie P, Nezelof S, Perez-Diaz F., Pham-Scottez A., Speranza M. & Corcos M. Suicide attempts in teenagers with borderline personality disorder. Preliminary findings from the European Research Network on Borderline Personality Disorder EURNET BPD.
22. Giquel L., Speranza M., Perez-Diaz F., Delvenne V., Corcos M. et al. Relationships between severity of borderline personality disorders and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents : findings from the European Research Network on Borderline Personality Disorder.
23. Pham-Scottez A., Robin M., Giquel L., Nicolas I., Guilbaud O., Cohen de Lara A., Delvenne V., Corcos M., Speranza M. Comparison between borderline adolescents with and without eating disorders.
24. CORCOS M, MOREL A., CHABERT C., JEAMMET P., COHEN DE LARA A., : Yhe characteristics of psychoanlytic psychodrama, Decondensation. ; Int Journal of Psychoanalysis. 2011
25. Godart N., F. Perdereau, F. Curt , P, Berthoz S, I. Kaganski, R. Lucet,M Corcos, J Fermanian, M. Flament, P Jeammet Family therapy in the treatment of anorexia nervosa : a randomised controlled press plosone 2011
26. Loas G., Speranza M., Pham-Scottez A., Perez-Diaz F., Corcos M. Alexithymia in adolescents presenting a borderline personality disorder. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 72 (2012) 147-152.
27. Speranza M, Loas G, Guilbaud O, Corcos M. Are treatment options related to alexithymia in eating disorders ? Results from a three-year naturalistic longitudinal study. Biomed Pharmacother. 2011 Dec ;65(8):585-9. Epub 2010 Feb 25
28. Speranza M, Revah-Levy A, Cortese S, Falissard B, Pham-Scottez A, Corcos M. ADHD in adolescents with borderline personality disorder. BMC Psychiatry. 2011 Sep 30 ;11:158. PMID : 21961882
29. Speranza M, Revah-Levy A, Giquel L, Loas G, Venisse JL, Jeammet P, Corcos M. An Investigation of Goodman’s Addictive Disorder Criteria in Eating Disorders. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2011 Aug 10. doi : 10.1002/erv.1140. if / 1.356[Epub ahead of print] PMID:21834026
30. Speranza M., Pham-Scottez A., Revah-levy A., Barbe R.P., Perez-Diaz F., Birmaher B., Corcos M. Factor Structure of Borderline Personality Disorder Symptomatology in Adolescents. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. IF 2.497
31. Loas G, Dugré-Lebigre C, Fremaux D, Verrier A, Wallier J, Berthoz S, Corcos M. [The Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children (AQC) : French translation and validation study in a convenience sample of 80 children]. Encephale. 2010 Sep ;36(4):302-6. Epub 2009 Sep 19. French. PMID:20850601
32. Loas G, Monestes JL, Wallier J, Berthoz S, Corcos M. [The Dependent Personality Questionnaire (DPQ) : French translation and validation study in a population of 138 hospitalized psychiatric patients]. Encephale. 2010 Apr ;36(2):111-5. Epub 2009 Sep 10. French. PMID:20434627
33. Mattar L, Huas C, Duclos J, Apfel A, Godart N. Relationship between malnutrition and depression or anxiety in Anorexia Nervosa : A critical review of the literature. J Affect Disord. 2010 Oct 2. [Epub ahead of print]PMID : 20920829 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]Related citations
34. Speranza M, Loas G, Guilbaud O, Corcos M. : Are treatment options related to alexithymia in eating disorders ? Results from a three-year naturalistic longitudinal study. Biomed Pharmacother. 2010 Feb 25. if / 2.208
35. CORCOS M., MARECHAL V., LOAS G., LEGRAND A. ; Alexithymia in severely obese patients seeking surgical treatment. In Psychological Report, 2009, 105, 935-944.if 0.346
36. Guilbaud O, Curt F, Perrin C, Chaouat G, Berthoz S, Dugré-Le Bigre C, Wallier J, Strebler M, Touitou C, Jeammet P, Corcos M. Decreased immune response in alexithymic women : a cross-sectional study. Biomed Pharmacother. 2009 May ;63(4):297-304. Epub 2008 Sep 27. PMID:18824323
37. Guilbaud O, Curt F, Perrin C, Chaouat G, Berthoz S, Dugré-Le Bigre C, Wallier J, Strebler M, Touitou C, Jeammet P, Corcos M. Decreased immune response in alexithymic women : A cross-sectional study. Biomed Pharmacother. 2009 May ;63(4):297-304. Epub 2008 Sep 27.
38. MELCHIOR J.C., CORCOS M. (2009), Parental nutrition and anorexia nervosa : is it useful, is it ethical ?. J.Adolescent Health, avril 2009 ; 44(4) : 410-1 ; author reply 411-2
39. GUILBAUD, F. CURT, C. PERRIN, G. CHAOUT, S. BERTHOZ, C. DUGRÉ-LE BIGRE, J. WALLIER, M. STREBLER, C. TOUITOU, P. JEAMMET, M. CORCOS (2009) : Decreased immune response in alexithymic women : a cross-sectional study, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 63(4):297-304.
40. CORCOS M., LOAS G., SPERANZA M., PEREZ-DIAZ F., STEPHAN P., VERRIER A., LANG F., NEZELOF S., VENISSE J.L., JEAMMET P., Risk factors for addictive disorders : adiscriminant analysis on 374 addictive and 513 nonpsychiatric subjects. Psychological Report, 102.435-449. (2008)
41. DEBORDE AS, BERTHOZ S, WALLIER JM, FERMANIAN J, FALISSARD B, JEAMMET P, CORCOS M. The Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire cutoff scores : a study in eating-disordered and control subjects. Psychopathology. 2008 ;41(1):43-9.
42. Deborde AS, S. Berthoz, J. Wallier, J. Fermanian, B. Falissard, P. Jeammet, M. Corcos (2008) : The Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire cutoff scores : a study in eating disordered and control subjects, Psychopathology, 41:43-49.
43. Dorard D., S. Berthoz, C. Bungener, O. Phan, M. Corcos (2008) : Affect dysregulation in cannabis abusers : a study in adolescents and young adults. European Journal Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 17(5):274-82.
44. Dorard G, Berthoz S, Haviland MG, Phan O, Corcos M, Bungener C. Multimethod alexithymia assessment in adolescents and young adults with a cannabis use disorder. Compr Psychiatry. 2008 Nov-Dec ;49(6):585-92. Epub 2008 Aug 23. PMID : 18970907
45. DORARD G., BERTHOZ S., HAVILAND M.G., PHAN O., CORCOS M., BUNGENER C. (2008). Multimethod alexithymia assessment in adolescents and young adults with a cannabis use disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry ; Aug 23 : DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2008.05.001
46. DORARD G., S. BERTHOZ, O. PHAN, M. CORCOS, C. BUNGENER. Affect dysregulation in cannabis abusers : a study in adolescents and young adults. European Journal Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2008 feb. 26 ;
47. GUILBAUD O., CURT F., PERRIN C., CHAOUAT G., BERTHOZ S.,DUGRE LEBIGRE C.,WALLIER J., STREBLER M., TOUITOU C., JEAMMET Ph., CORCOS M., Decreased immune response in alexithymic women : A cross-sectional study. Biomedecine-Pharmacotherapy, 10 September 2008, 1-8.